A Secret Chamber Seeker is one who is seeking and experiencing life through the lens of the extra ordinary or extraordinary being! Intentionally insightful; listening; loving; changing; growing toward your greatest potential tempered with a strong spiritual base as a moral compass. Share with us what you have seen?
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I have had many extraordinary experiences... The type of experiences that are not mainstream discussions. Real experiences in a world that teaches us boundaries of a prescribed existence of programming and commercial breaks that feed the illusion of the prescription. Every time we turn on the TV... Watch a movie... engage a world created by SCRIPTs, edits and actors we fill the preSCRIPTion. When you unplug, your world suddenly opens to the possibilities! You are possible. Your dreams are possible. Your world is possible. The secret and sacred place becomes a real space.
Did you know that there is a direct connection between the words "secret" and "sacred"? When you are kept in God's secret place its because you are sacred to God. Set aside for God's perfect use, purpose and timing. Can you recall a time in your left where you were kept by someone?