Privately Scheduled Session for Groups
Our Transformative Workshops
and Learning Series can be customized
for your private sessions!
All sessions are sized for safe spaces where you can explore and challenge your subconscious beliefs and values that have shaped your life and decisions. The foundational precepts of the workshops and learning series is to raise awareness of the metaphysical and spiritual perspective of sex, sacred sex, and sexuality.
Sessions are intended to be non-denominational in nature however, positive and explicit references to "God" and "Spirit" are made throughout the sessions as a fundamental and foundational premise.
Designed for heterosexual women (and men when appropriate) the preferred age for participants is 30 years+ as the subject matter requires a level of maturity for the nature of its adult content and open-mindedness to responsibly navigate self-exploration activity.
Workshops: Learning Series:
--2 hours (1 day) --Weekend Retreat (2.5 days)
--6 hour (1 day ) --Seminar (1 - 2 days)
Featured Workshop topics include:
“From Secret to Sacred” ….for God-Centered Women
The rising influence of media images and our lack of true identity founded in our limited self-awareness have given rise to strongholds in the lives of God-Centered women. Because we are unaware of our feminine power and “Divine” connection we often model behaviors where control, pride, abandonment, rejection, and distractions have become our normal state. We wear the “mask” to cover our brokenness while our lack of intimacy and touch fuel the bitter and unfulfilled spaces where only the love of self and God can make us ready to be filled by connecting to our mate/potential mate.
The keys to self-discovery workshops and/or learning series with Your INSPIRED Journey are based on 4 processes: Appreciation, Information, Application, and Transformation. What this means for participants is that there is a process that they must agree and expect to endeavor. This is a demonstrated commitment that they have a goal that will not be realized until the process is complete. Each participant accepts responsibility that the journey begins with the first step of a deeper level of self-exploration.
Many women have lost their way due to a conflict in establishing self-determined values and are still processing the shadow of expectations establish in childhood. As women, the journey of self-discovery in the sacred feminine has become a lost teaching. In this generation “Media” became the teacher and our lack of identity the programmer with primary influence in how we shape our reality and define ourselves as women. Women are often confused by the balance of gender roles, expectations of religious practices, and/or the balance of the biological/biochemical need for love, touch, and companionship all while seeking or trying to manage a desire for a committed marriage relationship.
Journey with Personal Change Coach, Heather Hetheru as we share tools, strategies, and insights that gently guide participants to explore and address “tender” and “sensitive” areas in our self-concept where the influence of our strongholds hold us back from having the life and love we deserve! Unravel the “my-stery” (my-story) in this 1 day (Saturdays preferred) 7 hour workshop and journey the path to becoming whole.
Click here to download full workshop package
Embracing Your Inspired Journey….
…..with Heather Hetheru Personal Change Coach
Available Group Workshop Topics:
From Secret to Sacred: Remove the “mask” of God-centered women worn to cover brokenness and release the strongholds that fuel the lack of intimacy, bitterness and unfulfilled spaces where only the love of self and God can make our hearts ready to be filled by a mate and/or potential mate.
The Journey of Place and Purpose: Finding the cues and clues to your career & life purpose
The Becoming of Queens and Goddesses: Understanding your feminine identity and your call to change or heal your family, workplace, & community
Cultivating the Vision of God’s Business: Taking Next steps and insights when God gives you a gift to cultivate & or an “inspired” business idea
The Inspired Word: Writing the Book Inside YOU: When you know you are supposed to write a book but don’t know what, where or how to start building content
Cultivating the Art of Sensuality: When the perception of “sexy” won’t get the desired results build your positive self-concept & identity through enhancing your personal appeal
Sex on Purpose: Understand the hidden ”Godly” power of sex; empower your mind and change your relationships & the world
The Meridian Path: Past History, Present Mystery: Understand how your past experiences impact your present romantic relationships, education, and career
Unleash the SHERO: Understand why no one is coming to save you, YOU are the HERO you’ve been waiting for; release dependent/co-dependent tendencies & recreate YOU
The Sensual Arts of the Goddess: Learn the 9 sensual arts to fulfill your feminine power and draw positive experiences and relationships into your life
The Secret Chamber utilizes small group and group self-exploration, exercises, and coaching to assist you to bring your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and actions to the forefront allowing a conscious process of redefining these vital foundational tools that unlock your ability to be whom you are meant to be.
Each training or workshop has a specific outcome that each participant commits to explore.
Whether you choose to customize the private Workshops or Learning Series
the process of exploration and self-discovery is largely based on
how you develop the tools necessary to address your goals.
Remember the journey begins with just the thought.
To be directed to Contact US to schedule and/or plan your private session.