...Let the journey begin.
Dr. Heather Hetheru Miller,
Personal Change Coach
“Personal Change Coach" is a title that I use to share my intent. It is more than a life coach, mentor, teacher, consultant, trainer it is a way of life that acknowledges each small stride that an individual takes towards self-discovery is a giant step toward change! Coaches draw out what is already in the individual. I see the talent, gifts, abilities, and the spark of spirituality glowing in a person and help to affirm the insights, clues, and cues that life provides to gently guide or aggressively push fellow travelers along the path. Where are you on the journey?
Personal Change Coach.
My story is one of love of self, family, community, and faith. It is also a testimony to all of the miraculous things that happen when you realize that your life has meaning and purpose. As I seek to continue to elevate spiritually and balance my physical and spiritual existence, I listen intently and share generously the adventures and insights of my life. I share my lessons and insights through books, personal sessions, workshops, seminars, intimate small group chats, and my blogs and articles. I am far from arriving at a destination because I see my life as a journey.
Further, I am a student and guide into the Feminine Arts of EMPOWERMENT and the journey of sacred self; the part of us that shows up at work, as customers, at home, in relationships, in families and on purpose. I understand the value and importance of living on and in purpose as part of our collective path of self-discovery. I recognize what has been lost in mixed media messages and in our loss of identity and help individuals, groups and work teams navigate this important process of the "reset". I “innerstand” that people need gentle guidance in finding their way back to how to live a purpose filled life (the spiritual journey of our healing, purpose, meaning and faith) in all aspects of their lives. I listen without judgment and guide with an open and insightful heart. My ultimate goal is to BE THE CHANGE I want to see in the world and allow God's love to illuminate everything I do. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
….Let the Journey Continue….
Dr. Heather Hetheru

For Books by:
Personal Change Coach Dr. Heather Hetheru,
Click the image of the book for a brief description and click
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A guide for women seeking to keep or rebuild her relationship with her mate.
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If you have ever been paralyzed by loss through divorce or death this insightful account bridges the silent cry and desperate prayer and God's answer by way of the Cardinal. It shares the stages of grief and the process of overcoming death to rise again into a life of meaning and purpose.
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With an opening to the 5 Love Language, this tools gives men and women 100 examples of demonstrating your woman's language of love in simple ways that restores her and revives him to rise to be the lovers and friends the await inside the peace that is gained from walking in an old relationship anew.
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This tool is a guided journey into uncovering life, meaning, and purpose. We often take for grant the reasons why things happen to us and for us. It is never for you alone! It is part of the larger purpose designed to help each of us find where we fit into the puzzle of life. To touch those pieces who will align beside us when they see they also fit. This is your call, will you answer?
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This tools is a series of questions (many that have never been asked or addressed) prior to engaging in a series and committed relationship leading to marriage. The questions challenge lovers to remove the "rose colored glasses" seduction, and the romanticism long enough to see (or attempt to see) what you really have in common and what you can really live with or without. The direct questions help you to dig a little deeper and see a littler clearer your beloved.
Go to linkVideo Infomercial Links for Personal Change Coach...
(click on links below)
From Secret to Sacred Workshop
The Secret Chamber Workshop
Surviving Divorce: Mending a Broken Covenant Workshop
The Importance of YOUR Purpose Insight
Intro to Personal Change Coach Dr. Heather Hetheru
Participating in and/or reading articles, blogs, coaching services, sessions, workshops, learning series, visiting and viewing, websites, videos, blogs, emails, e-books, presentations, social events, and/or any other related media; you acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. Coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of coaching efforts and/or recommendations on my website, blog, email, video, workshops, learning series, and/or social events and my comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the coaching services purchased as described.