If you have discovered your Goddess path... your course of self healing and the insights for others we eagerly await your post!
sometimes pictures speak louder than words... but however your share... will be welcome!
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Mar 21, 2022
There is a time and season for all things… (Ecclesiastes)… there is a time for queens to build and a season for the goddess to heal… which is your path? How are you living it? The energy of the Queen from ancient times— before the rules changed and the masculine force dominated the lands… there was she. The Queendom under the sacred feminine stewarded the lands. Cultivated the peoples. Connected to spiritual practices. It was her strength the created wealth; it was her nurturing that grew the people who stewarded the harvests; it was her tears that calmed the seas. She saw dominion as an extension of what was “within” —- she raised temples of learning for the mind, body and spirit. She pointed to the heavens and the earth for reverence and balance not to herself… hers was the wealth in the world. Not only because of who she was but what she could do for others! Ashe’ queens of heaven and earth! Arise!
There is a time and season for all things… (Ecclesiastes)… there is a time for queens to build and a season for the goddess to heal… which is your path? How are you living it? The energy of the Queen from ancient times— before the rules changed and the masculine force dominated the lands… there was she. The Queendom under the sacred feminine stewarded the lands. Cultivated the peoples. Connected to spiritual practices. It was her strength the created wealth; it was her nurturing that grew the people who stewarded the harvests; it was her tears that calmed the seas. She saw dominion as an extension of what was “within” —- she raised temples of learning for the mind, body and spirit. She pointed to the heavens and the earth for reverence and balance not to herself… hers was the wealth in the world. Not only because of who she was but what she could do for others! Ashe’ queens of heaven and earth! Arise!