Michigan Secrets: Love Finds ITS Way
Good Day Good People!

Do you know there are about 125 light houses in Michigan? At one point there were far more! People, ships, travelers needed to find their way to the shore to safety... When the compass was dysfunctional; and the waters were rough; they looked to the light to guide them to their destination... Most often home.
These fellow travelers for over a hundred years trusted the "light". I must say that Michigan is such an amazing state from the places to the people; it is one of a kind. Such treasures to be found hidden in myth; buried in history; covered by wide distances... Beneath the struggle, the systems and the serene there is a message of love.
The truth of the matter is that just like with discovering the mystery of Michigan you can de-mystify the secrets of love. Love is always waiting to be discovered; to be shared.
It stands tall as the light towers that encompass our shores; it is as deep as the salt mines that season our soil... It is a versatile as the seasons that change in due time and as varied as the cultures that decorate our communities. It is as proud as the bridges that cross into foreign land and as broad as the music that sing throughout our nites.
INTENTION of Actions
If you would only paused long enough; you could hear the voices of love calling out to you. While you pause... Time will call out to you... but it won't stop. The laughter of children playing; a reminder of the child in you. Vulernable, free, with the canvas called life in your hands to color and create.
The roaring of engines in motion; a reminder of the multi-colored hands that built the "motors" of the motor city.
The remnant of trees both old and new that bow, wave, and whisper as you acknowledge the shade of its leaves, the fallen branches, and their fruits consumed by generations of families regardless of being broken or whole.
LOVE finds ITS way.
In the midst of hate, bigotry, chaos and confusion. The "light" will always shine to guide fellow travelers to the safety of their shores; their destination; to home. Sometimes our compass can become dysfunctional and we are guided by our fears, ignorance or hopelessness... But because we are made of the "right" substance; the fibers of our very being; the light; however dim or bright can always burn brighter and guide fellow travelers to the shore... Simply because LOVE; true Love always finds ITS way...
SOLUTION for Consideration
Michigan, we are the light; in a time when our country is off course and has lost its way. Where injustice is common place and victims are plentiful; where sources of abundance are withheld and scarce. We have always been rich in resources; in light; and thereby love.
Somehow, we have forgotten how to pause... and to laugh... like children; to create and color the canvas of life with the multicolored hands it takes to build it; and to share the richness of our fruit that fed generations.
We are the guiding LIGHT for ourselves, family, friends, neighbors, community... We are the spark that ignites and incites the return of LOVE. Anywhere Love is God is in the midst anywhere God is there is Love. Will you do your part? You have a purpose! Your LIGHT; your LOVE; Your LIFE matters!
Visit and join Michigan Lighthouse Society
The importance of your Purpose -copy to browser and/or view link below: https://spark.adobe.com/video/QLNJyjLC8A8QA
Books on Amazon by Heather Hetheru Miller---
-Patch of Grass: Creating Your Sacred Space
-Woman of Purpose Walking the Path
-Cardinal in Red Dress: My Journey from the Valley of Death
Workshops and Learning Series for Women
...Let the Journey Continue...